Die Petö-Möbel (Poster vom Weltkongress 2016)

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  • Beitrags-Kategorie:Allgemein

Beate Höß-Zenker schrieb: “The family Bartl Manuela supports their son Ben (with severe physical handicap and hypotony) in all situations with all possible means – Ben is in the conductive service (mother-child group, kindergarten and now conductive school) of Phoenix in Munich since the age of 2 years – he developed very well in the last years. Because of his hypotony he needed more support for sitting, so the process of developing a new chair was started. With the help of the talented and experienced conductor Mariann Stelczerne-Oberszt, who passed away two weeks ago, the family developed the different chairs and furniture. The father of Ben is a carpenter and transferred all ideas and needs, the close cooperation of the family and Mariann was in the real sense “conductive” and full of common appreciation. We hope the very functional furniture will serve many children in the future.”